Stella Sue - 2021

 Pure perfection. It's as simple as that. Stella Sue is absolute and complete perfection. She has already changed quite a bit since this photo was taken. Life isn't fair. It really does need a pause button. 

Our Stella girl is now EIGHT months old. She has two teeth (on the bottom) and I have a feeling the two top teeth will be here shortly. She sits up on her own, rolls EVERYWHERE, loves eating pureed baby food, laughs hardest when her siblings are playing with her waves at everyone and everything. 

She is such a well tempered baby. She is almost always happy. If she starts to fuss, it's because she is hungry or tired. It's usually an easy fix and then she is happy as a clam again. 

She has slept through the night since she was about a month old and she continues to do so (knock on wood). She wakes up with the biggest smile and I love it so much. 

She is babbling more and more each day. I'm afraid she has said her first word and I can't say I'm thrilled about it. I was hoping she would be my only baby to say "Mama" first, but no, she says "dada." Drew doesn't think she is associating the word with him, that she is only babbling, but I kind of think she knows who Dada is. It's fine. Drew's the favorite. He's the fun one, the one with all the energy, the one with the funny voices. I kind of like him too. 

One thing that Stella has had since birth, still has, and I hope she will ALWAYS have are the chubbiest, yummiest cheeks ever. I could literally kiss them ALL DAY LONG. 

I'm so grateful Heavenly Father sent Stella to complete our little (but not so little) family. She is the perfect caboose. Everyone loves her. We couldn't imagine our world without her. 


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