Jack Bingham - 2021


It's hard to believe that I cried when I found out we were having a boy. Silly me thought that after three girls, throwing a boy into the mix would not work. I'm so glad Heavenly Father is in charge. I'm grateful that He knew my heart needed Jack. 

Jack Bingham is now three years old. Time never ceases to amaze me. How can the days be so long, but the years are so short! Our Jack is a boy of VERY few words. In fact, Our local Speech Pathologist says she is pretty sure Jack suffers from Developmental Apraxia of Speech. He knows what he wants to say, but his brain can't tell his mouth how to say it. The signal gets lost between his brain and his mouth and he doesn't know which mouth muscles to use to put sounds together. Because of this, little Jack is in Preschool four days a week. I was nervous to send him so young, but he has handled it so well! Every morning (M-TH), he gets dressed, eats breakfast, puts on his Lightning McQueen backpack and goes to school like one of the big kids. He has already made so much progress. His vocabulary is growing a little more every week and now includes: Mom, Dad, Abbi, Lily, Nana, Papa, Ball, Go, Eat, Out, Bug, Hat, Ow, Bye, and Banana. He is working on Dink (drink), play, and love. 

Jack is OBSESSED with fire engines! He loves all things boy (cars, trucks, tools, construction vehicles, balls, etc) but he has a special place in his heart for "wee ooo wee ooo's" 

Jack boy is a pretty picky eater. Recently though, we told him that eating his food would make him strong like Papa, so now after every meal, he flexes for us. Things that he will eat: applesauce, pasta, hot dogs, chicken nuggets, applesauce, rice, muffins, pizza, applesauce, the cream out of the middle of an oreo, corn, Go-Gurts, and applesauce. Things he will NOT eat (even if you promised him a million dollars and a hundred new fire engine toys): Bread. 

Jack has started insisting that he have a turn to pray. His prayer is always the same and only consist of a few words: Dank Doo eat. Dank Doo Mom, Dad, Abbi, Lala (Lily), Grunts for Quinn because he can't say her name, Mimi (baby) and Me (He always thanks Heavenly Father for himself). Amen. 

Jack is a sensitive, caring, and loving little boy. He LOVES baby Stella! He picks up on when someone is feeling sad, or gets hurt and he will immediately try and help. I don't know if you noticed from the picture I posted how stinking cute the kid is, but it is REALLY hard to say no to him. That may be a problem in the future, but for now, I'm okay with it. We all love this little boy more than words can even express. I thank my Heavenly Father everyday for sending Jack to us. He is everything I didn't know I needed. 


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