Favorite Things.

{In no particular order}

+ Using the "self timer" setting on our camera. Seriously, Abbi thinks it's the funnest (most fun?) game in the world! Eight month pregnant Mama sets the camera up, puts the vacuum in front of the camera so it will focus, presses the button, and races to move the vacuum and get in position all before it starts snapping pictures. She just giggles and giggles. {I love her giggle}

+ Breakfast time. I sure love my Abbi, but she is like World's Worst Eater. Seriously, I wonder how she is gaining weight at all because she really doesn't eat much of anything beside applesauce. (thank you Go Go Squeezes!) However, I have found that she will eat if she is distracted by something else. So breakfast has become our time to make some food and eat it while we are cuddled up on the couch watching some morning cartoons. 

+ Watching baby girl have a dance party in Mama's tummy. Baby girl is having a good 'ol time in there! She can make my whole stomach do the wave and I kinda love it! Even if it is starting to get uncomfortable, it's still fun to watch. I can tell she already has a spunky personality! {just like her sister}

+ Chocolate Creamies {this one needs no explanation.}

+Reading books with my Abbigail. She is getting so fun and so quick to learn! She repeats almost every word in the book. I love it! Some of my favorite words include: "Mimmie"{Minnie}, "Gopey"{Goofy}, "Hey whoa" {Hello}, all the sounds in "Mr. Brown can Moo! Can you?" and the way she counts {2,3,4,2}. This girl I tell you, always putting a smile on my face!

+On the topic of Abbi repeating everything, she has started repeating Drew and I as we pray. Is there anything cuter than an almost two year old learning how to pray?! I will answer that - No! No, there is not. Is it wrong to record her saying a prayer? Cause I'm having a hard time keeping the camera away. I guess you'll just have to imagine my sweet, petite Abbi with her arms folded, head bowed and a big smile on her face saying "dank you daddy" and "dank you Jesus" (although her Jesus sounds scary close to cheese, so maybe she is thankful for cheese too?) It makes my heart so happy!

These are just a few of the things that are making us happy lately. 

What makes you happy?
What are some of your favorite things? 

I'd LOVE to hear them! 


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