Pocatello Temple Dedication.


I can remember singing the words of "I Love to See the Temple" as a little girl:

I love to see the temple.
I'm going there someday,
to feel the Holy Spirit,
to listen and to pray.

For the temple is a house of God,
a place of love and beauty.
I'll prepare myself while I am young.
This is my sacred duty.

I have been in several temples, many times, since singing this song in primary and it always amazes me how strongly I do "feel the Holy Spirit" within the walls of the temple. It's almost as if I walk through the doors into the temple and the stress, worry, and anxiety that I was feeling completely leaves while I am in the temple. 

Today was no different. We had the opportunity to attend the dedication of the Pocatello Idaho Temple. It was beautiful. I felt happy. I felt peace. I felt the Holy Ghost. And this time, we were able to bring Abbigail with us! We were directed into one of the confirmation rooms by the baptistry where we could sit  and watch the dedication on a TV screen. While we were waiting for the dedication to begin, President M. Russell Ballard, acting president of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, and Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Quorum of the Twelve apostles, walked passed the room we were waiting in and waved and said hello to us. It was touching to see them walking around the temple greeting people. I could feel the love of the Savior through them. Before the dedication began, I offered a prayer of gratitude to my Father in Heaven, for my family and for this beautiful temple. I then pleaded with him, to help me feel His love during the dedication. I asked Him to help me feel like a valued daughter of God, to help me to no feel alone

The service began. A beautiful choir sang and messages were shared by a few different leaders. One of the messages that stood out to me, was given by Elder S. Gifford Nielson. Honestly, as I am sitting here trying to remember what it was he actually spoke about, I can remember nothing except him saying the words, very clearly, YOU ARE NOT ALONE. It was almost as if God Himself was speaking directly to me through Elder Nielson. 

"Ashley, you are not alone. I am aware of you. I am aware of your struggles and worries. I love you."

Another thing that touched my heart is when President Ballard was speaking. He said of all the many things he has accomplished in this life, of all the church callings he has held, THE MOST IMPORTANT, thing he did was marry his wife and be a husband and father. I've been struggling with feeling valued. I feel like because of Drew's church calling, he is important. No doubt about it. But all I do is stay home and take care of the kids. A babysitter could do what I do. Am I really needed? But President Ballard's message reminded me that not only am I needed, being a mother and wife is THE MOST IMPORTANT thing I will ever do or be. God is trusting me to raise His children. His precious children. It is my job to love, nurture, and teach them. I am important. I am needed. 

Being in the temple was such a beautiful experience. The peace and joy I feel while in the walls of the temple is immeasurable. I am so grateful for the beautiful Pocatello Idaho Temple. 


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