Halloween 2021


I figured my days of coordinating halloween costumes are numbered (meaning, this is probably the last year), so we decided to go out with a bang. Abbigail is getting "way too old" to match her siblings. {insert eye roll here} She is LOVING Harry Potter lately, so we got the rest of the gang on board and ran with it. 


Harry Potter

Hermione Granger

Ginny Weasley 

The Hogwarts Express


The kids all had a great Halloween. We went to TWO Trunk or Treats, one at John Adams Ford in Soda Springs and the other at the church here in Grace. We called it a night because we already had approximately 100lbs of Candy. The kids ended the night by watching A Halloween episode of Mickey Mouse and helping hand out candy to the few trick or treaters that we did get. 

Now to use self control and not eat all their candy while they're at school...


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