Lily Elizabeth - 2021

 Lily is SEVEN! WHAT?!? I can remember bringing little "will-wee" home from the hospital. The thickest, darkest hair I had ever seen on a baby! She was stinking adorable and has only grown more beautiful as the years have passed. 

Lily is our social butterfly. If she has met you once, you are her BEST FRIEND! I love and admire that about her. She loves people and people love her. Her spunky, silly, and sometimes sassy personality makes it so fun to be around her! 

She loves school, but I think her favorite part about school is getting to see all of her friends! She could probably do without the school work. ;) 

She has the sweetest, most caring heart around. Earlier this week, Lily tested positive for COVID. She has been the only one in our family to show symptoms and they have been fairly mild (congestion, fever, cough, a little nausea, loss of taste) but is has been sad to see her spunky spirit, so sick. I haven't been letting her hold Stella and yesterday she turned to me and said, "I haven't got to hold Stella in like THREE days! That's the worst part about being sick!" She is seriously the best sister, baby sitter, mini mama, I could ask for! She is always willing to find a binky for Stella, play with her while I shower, etc. 

It's hard to believe that in one short year, it will be time for this sweet girl to be Baptized. Her testimony is already strong. I asked her yesterday how she was feeling and she said, "Better. I'm not sick anymore. It's because I prayed and asked Heavenly Father to help me feel better." Another experience we had with her recently warmed my heart. The Primary President asked us to ask certain questions and report their answers for the Primary Program coming up. The question she wanted me to ask Lily was "When I search the scriptures and/or pray..." Lily's answer was "When I search the scriptures and pray, I feel close to Jesus and I know God loves me!" 

I am so grateful for Lily and her sweet spirit and her Christlike example to me! Our family is happier because she is in it. I am so grateful that Heavenly Father trusted Drew and I to raise this beautiful girl. We love her so much! 


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