His Will.


Yesterday, a call came that Drew and I both have been anticipating for quite a few months. A while ago, maybe six months, Drew came to me and told me of some spiritual impressions he had been receiving through the spirit about being called as Bishop. At first, I blew it off. Drew is only 32 years old, we have FIVE very young children, there would be no way The Lord would ask this of us. 

Months passed and the impressions continued and started to get more specific. Drew would share some of them with me. My heart began to soften, though I think I was still in disbelief. I personally received a couple very clear impression as well. 

One Sunday, I was sitting in Relief Society listening. I don't usually share much. I prefer to listen. I had a very clear thought that "if Drew is going to be Bishop, you need to speak up, share your thoughts, get to know the women in this ward and let THEM get to know YOU. You can't just sit back and listen." I am happy to report that I acted on that impression and have tried to speak up and as a result, I have become more acquainted with quite a few women that I otherwise wouldn't know much at all. 

Another clear impression I received came as I was taking the girls to piano lessons. As I was driving past houses of people I do not know, but who are in our ward boundaries, I received an impression that "you will get to know and LOVE the people of this ward on a level you have never felt before." I had not doubt that thought came through the spirit. 

On Sunday, July 11th 2021, the Stake Presidency asked if they could meet with both of us at our home. Drew and I both kind of thought they would extend the calling that night. They showed up, looking formal in their nice suits, but their conversation was very casual. We visited for over an hour. I remember feeling safe, protected. It was a testament to me that these men were called of God and having them in our home added an extra layer of protection against Satan. After our visit, they just left. A small part of me hoped that because they hadn't extended the calling that evening that maybe they changed their minds but most of me knew that wasn't true. 

It felt like a LONG three weeks, but on Sunday August 1st 2021, we got a call asking if we could meet with the Stake Presidency that afternoon. We knew exactly what it was about. As we walked hand in hand into the Stake Offices, I felt peace. I know that is something I would not have felt without the companionship of The Holy Ghost. The Stake President, President Matthews, asked if he could speak with just me first. He asked me If I knew why we were here. I told him I was pretty sure, yes. I told him about the tender and specific spiritual impressions that Drew and I have been having over the last few months and it was pretty clear. President Matthews immediately got emotional. Wiping tears from his eyes, he told me he had been wrestling with this for months. Because Drew and I have such a young family, he said he had actually said a few prayers asking that it wouldn't be Drew. I told him we probably had similar prayers. He asked how I felt about all of this and I answered honestly; peaceful. I told him I was obviously nervous, but felt so much peace at the same time. He told me if I felt like this was too much or I didn't think this was going to work, I could say no and he wouldn't extend the call to Drew. I said, "I don't know why I feel so peaceful, I should be a nervous wreck, but I know this is where the Lord needs Drew." Any stress or worry on my end, in moments that seem too hard and overwhelming, The Lord would help and strengthen me. I know it wasn't a coincidence that as part of the "Come, Follow Me" curriculum this week was Doctrine and Covenants 84:88 "... I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up."

He brought Drew in next and then both of us together. He extended the call to Drew as Bishop of the Grace 1st Ward. President Matthews and his counselors gave us direction and some council moving forward. 

It has been am interesting, stressful and overwhelming few days since. Drew and I have both been praying, fasting and seeking revelation on who the Lord wants to serve as counselors. I know this call is going to require a lot of sacrifice. It is going to be overwhelming, stressful and hard. But I have total confidence that this is Heavenly Father's will. I know that because we accepted this call and are doing our best to do His will, He will bless us. He will be on my right hand and on my left. His Spirit will be in my heart and His angels round about me to bear me up. 


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