Abbigail's Baptism


Abbigail was baptized on September 5th 2020. It was such a special day. 

For months leading up to her baptism, we talked about why it is important to be baptized and what it means. We talked about the promises that she would be making to Heavenly Father AND the promises He would make to her in return. We spoke about following Jesus Christ and trying to do as He would everyday. 

Abbigail is so smart, beautiful and wise beyond her years. I know that she made the decision to be baptized on her own. I know she has a testimony of Jesus Christ and His Gospel. 

Her baptism day was wonderful! We had so many family members come and show their love and support for Abbigail including: Nana, Papa, Grandma Bullock, Grandpa Bullock, Grandma Sue, Grandpa Dave, Grandma Diann, Grandma Davis, Trent, Heather, Justin, Ryker, Julia, Kate, Rachel, Stephanie, John, Daniel, Sara, Liam, Jacob, Emma, Aunt Allison, Steve, and Hannah. Other family members including: Cameron, McKenna, Molly, Coen, Travis, Lindsay, Hailey, Emma, Piper, Raegan, Savannah, Colin, Henley, Jacob, Janelle, Von, and Warner all joined via Zoom. 

Opening Prayer: Grandpa Bullock
Talk on the Holy Ghost: Grandma Sue
Witnesses: Ryker and Grandpa Dave
Confirmation: Drew
Closing Prayer: Nana

Abbigail, Lily and Quinn sang "I Will Walk With Jesus" with Drew accompanying them and it was absolutely beautiful! It's a song that we listen to frequently at our house. The words are simple but so powerful! 

"Jesus walked in wisdom; Jesus grew in truth.
He showed love to God and man while in His youth.
Jesus wants to guide me. Jesus shows the way,
Calling me to come and walk with him each day.

I can grow like Jesus. I will try each day -
Promising to walk His path and there to stay.
Standing by my Savior, safe within His care, 
Step by step I'll follow and His love I'll share.

I will trust in Jesus. I will hear His call. 
He will never leave me, even when I fall. 
Jesus gives me power, lifts and comforts me,
Helping me to live and grow eternally.

Chorus: As I walk with Jesus to my home above,
He will bless me with His Spirit and fill me with His love, 
Change my heart forever and help me clearly see. 
I will walk with Jesus, and He will walk with me."

I am grateful for Abbigail and her influence in my life. She is a peacemaker. She is loving, caring and forgiving. She follows Christ's example everyday. Being a disciple of Jesus Christ seems to come natural to her. It's been eight months since this special day and she is more committed than ever to continue to try and be like Jesus. I've seen her reading her scriptures, saying personal prayers, writing in her journal about spiritual experiences, reminding us to fast on Fast Sunday, makes an effort to sing hymns in church and listen to the speakers on Sunday, and she is the one to keep us consistent in having Family Home Evenings on Monday nights. I know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ know her personally. They love her and they are so proud of her consistent efforts to keep their commandments. 


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