Abbigail Says...

{walking out of her room from her nap} "Peek-a-boo! You fwound me!"

{driving past the Twin Falls LDS Temple} "I spy da temple! It's so, so, so, so, ummmm... tall!"

{after a walk to see the horses near my inlaws house} "Mom! I saw da horses poooop!" & "Da horses yike apples! I yike apples too!"

{While washing her hands} "mmmm, da water is nice and warm!" 

{after being sick} Me: "abbi are you feeling sick?"  Abbi: "No, I fweeel much better!" 

{walks over and picks up her pretend broccoli} "Hey Mama? It's bawklee time!"

{After I offered to read her a book} "No, Mama! I yant to weed to will-wee woo! (Lily Loo)

{looking out the window} "Uh-oh Mom! Is getting dawrk. Dat means Ebbeebody going nigh night!" (We've brained washed her and we're proud of it! ;)


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