No Good, Very Bad Day

Ever feel like this? Like it's only been a few hours since I woke up but i'm already ready for the day to be done so I can go back to sleep... We are fighting colds at our house. My best friends these days are my box of tissues, sleep, and Alka-Seltzer Plus tablets (Oh and Drew too, He is always my best friend). All I want to do is stay in my pajamas, grab a blanket lay on the couch and watch Hairspray or Runaway Bride. 


There is a GIANT pile on laundry on my couch waiting for me to fold it.
Another pile of laundry in a basket waiting for me to wash it.
Dishes need to be done.
Baby won't sleep for more than 20 minutes at a time and when she is awake, she isn't happy.
I HAVE to shower and get ready for the day because less than an hour from now I am supposed to be on campus for a group meeting.


There is a split moment where I glance down at my baby girl while I am feeding her, we make eye contact and she gives me the biggest smile I have seen from her yet. Somehow that makes me forget about all the negative things that have happened during my day. Somehow all I can think about is how grateful I am to be her mother. I'm grateful that God blessed me with the ability to have children and then the same baby who I was irritated with because she wouldn't sleep became the baby that made my day a Bajillion times better. 


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